Update VI: MVP results & all eyes on the pilot, while Google makes a massive U-turn

Update VI

Now everyone seems to have returned from summer-break we are thrilled to bring you the latest updates on jouw•id. In this edition, we’ll share the impressive results from our MVP testing phase and demonstrate how jouw•id is uniquely positioned to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing the digital landscape today.


MVP results

Over the past summer months, our MVP was put to the test by a closed user group. The results were promising and provide a solid foundation as we move forward:

Seamless User Experience: The MVP’s technical performance exceeded expectations, with a 90% success rate in automatic logins across our dummy websites. This success highlights the reliability of our Single Sign-On (SSO) system, designed to simplify user access across multiple platforms while maintaining privacy by storing the personal data in your own data pod.

High User Satisfaction: Our testers expressed strong satisfaction with the platform, as reflected in their feedback:

– 4.11 for the registration process,

– 3.79 for customizing interests, and

– 3.90 for the overall product proposition.

These scores (on a scale of 5) confirm that users find the onboarding process intuitive and appreciate the platform’s customization capabilities.

Privacy and Data Control: A cornerstone of jouw•id is the control it gives users over their data. While testers appreciated this feature, some suggested that we make these controls even more prominent and easier to understand. We are committed to enhancing this aspect in future updates.

Personalization Success: Most users were pleased with the personalized content delivered. However, some feedback highlighted the need to further refine our recommendation engine to better align content with user preferences—a challenge we are eager to tackle in the next development phase in which we will move away from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ news proposition we used and head for multiple use-cases per partner.


Now: All eyes on the pilot

Our team hardly had a break after the realization of the MVP, as we moved straight into the pilot phase. A lot of work is being done to test jouw•id on some of the largest media websites in the Netherlands. During the pilot we will give 10,000 people the chance to onboard onto jouw.id from one of the media websites and use it for about a month.

We will test user satisfaction with a one-stop login for multiple media websites utilizing users’ own data pod to control personal data and to control data access by websites. Users can enjoy visiting multiple websites without having to log in separately or click through cookie walls repeatedly. We’ll keep you posted on when the pilot starts and which websites will be involved. Our current, ambitious plan is to test before the end of the year.

Addressing the Challenges of Digital Privacy with jouw•id

The recent concerns surrounding Google’s Privacy Sandbox, and the U-turn on the termination of the 3rd party cookie, have highlighted a growing distrust in current digital privacy practices by the dominant global platforms. The fear that in a cookieless world the dominant players get even more power by creating ‘supercookies-without-cookies’ controlled by those who can leverage a pile of (owned or controlled) ID’s. Whether it be big-tech, winner-takes-all marketleaders, telco’s or any other industry.

What jouw•id offers is a privacy-proof, fully compliant-by-default solution that gives users full control over their data and consents. It supports the sharing of data by users to receive content, services, product offerings, or advertising targeted based on their data (both declared and, in the near future, behavioral).

Here’s how jouw•id offers a perfect solution to these challenges:

User-Controlled Privacy (PIM): Unlike Google’s Privacy Sandbox, which automatically tracks users across all sites, jouw•id is built on the principle that you are the only one who can decide what to share. With jouw•id, users have full control over their data, deciding on a per-site basis what information to share and for what purpose. This aligns perfectly with the call for a privacy-focused future, where tracking is consent-based and fully transparent. Users can manage and adapt their data profiles to make sure it reflects their current preferences.

Ethical Data Management (human centric): Google is being criticized for the deceptive practices of third-party tracking and its monopolistic consequences. Jouw•id counters this by offering a privacy-by-default solution where no third-party trackers are used. All data interactions are controlled by the user, and only selected, consented user-validated data is shared, ensuring an ethical approach to digital privacy that respects both the user and the publisher.

Consent as an enabler: Users are increasingly frustrated with the time spent on giving or denying consent. Consent should enable data-enhanced propositions but more often becomes a blocker. With jouw•id, users can manage all consents with a simple toggle box. When visiting a website, jouw•id checks if the user has given consent to share data about personal characteristics or preferences. If consent is given, data is shared for one-time processing only. No personally identifiable information is shared, and data is deleted after processing. This ensures safe data sharing for users, without fear of being identified or tracked.

This way jouw•id offers a serious alternative to Big Tech, enabling more detailed and up-to-date user’s profiles. At the same time it’s giving users full control over their personal data and privacy. Win-win.

Empowering independent platforms through user-trust

The frustration with third-party cookies and Google’s monopolistic tendencies is clear. Jouw•id empowers publishers by providing them with a direct and meaningful connection to their audience. By enabling users to manage their own data and preferences, jouw•id allows independent platform owners to truly deliver personal user experiences based on self-declared, validated and consented personal data.

This creates a sustainable business model where sectors (such as media) regain control over their products and service strategies without relying on intrusive third-party or even first-party data practices from existing proprietary ID’s or logins.

At jouw•id we believe that ‘supercookies’ (with or without an actual cookie) belong to users, both in terms of ownership as well as control, not to industries or dominant conglomerates.

Next: Looking Ahead

As we move forward, we are more committed than ever to delivering a product that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our users and partners. The challenges highlighted in the industry make it clear that the path forward requires collaborative innovation, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to user privacy-principles at the very core of jouw•id.

By doing so we envision an entirely new pre-competitive digital ecosystem where new markets will arise in which competition will be based on trust and trustworthiness creating a green(level-playing)field where winners are those with the highest trust (and data accessability) rather than who has the biggest pile of personal data stored. Shifting the focus from competing on data ownership to competing on data utilization by accessibility.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to build on our MVP success and work towards a future where digital privacy is truly in the hands of the user.